Jangan menggunakan HP bila masih tersambung ke kontaklistrik!! HARAP DIBACA, MUDAH2AN ANDA TIDAK MELAKUKAN HAL YANG SERUPA!!
1. "Jangan charge HP anda semalaman dan JANGAN ditaruh dekat anda ketika mencharge." Don't charge your cellular the whole night and put it close to your ear when you are charging it. 2. "Jangan pernah menjawab panggilan masuk ke HP saat sedang di charge!!" Never answer the phone when it is charged.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, seorang laki2 sedang mencharge HP di rumahnya. Few days ago, there was a guy who is charging his cellular at his house. Disaat yang bersamaan, ada telepon masuk dan dia menjawabnya saat HP tersebut masih tersambung ke kontak listrik. At the same time, there is a phone call and he answered the phone without unplug the electricity, Setelah beberapa detik, arus listrik masuk ke HP tanpa kendali dan pria muda tersebut terlempar ke lantai dengan kerasnya. A few second later the electricity shocked him unexpectedly and that young guy was thrown to the floor hardly. Orangtuanya bergegas datang ke kamarnya dan menemukan dirinya pingsan, dengan detak jantung yang lemah dan jari terbakar. The parents came to the room and found out that he was collapse. His heart beat was so weak and his fingers were burned. Dia dilarikan kerumah sakit terdekat, tapi "jiwanya sudah tak tertolong lagi" ketika sampai dirumah sakit. They took him to the close hospital, unfortunately he passed away as soon as he arrived at the hospital.
HP adalah penemuan modern yang sangat berguna. Handphone is a functional new technology that can help people for faster communication. Tapi, kita harus berhati2 karena HP bisa menjadi penyebab kematian. But, we have to be careful because HP can cause death. Jangan pernah menggunakan HP bila masih tersambung ke kontak listrik !!
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Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai! Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di @ymail.com dan @rocketmail.com.